Welcome to My New Blog

This is my first post on this website. The purpose of this blog is to share information about current events, citing sources of everything posted. Other topics may include fascinating facts, research tips and tricks, and plenty of humor.

As the “Skeptical” title implies, I want to use this website for the pursuit of truth, looking into questionable claims to discover the veracity of those claims. I intend to have a questioning attitude about claims and beliefs regarding news, society, politics, religion, etc., with the goal of providing evidence to defend or contradict those claims.

To prevent the blog from getting too serious, I also plan on including humor to help spread laughter and peace. Jokes, riddles, cartoons, and anything else I find humorous may be included.

Thanks to everyone who reads this far. I hope you are encouraged and enlightened by this website. If you have questions about topics, research methods, or anything else, I’m happy to answer them.


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