Ron Johnson Talks Unity

Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, who endorsed sending fake electors to Washington for Trump, who has consistently said that Trump won and the election was stolen, and has been broadly divisive throughout his tenure, said this week: “Let’s turn this moment into a moment that helps us down that path of healing and unity.”

And then on the floor of the Republican National Convention yesterday, said: “Today’s Democrat agenda, their policies, are a clear and present danger to America.”

“Clear and present danger” is a familiar LEGAL term that Merriam Webster defines as “a risk or threat to safety or other public interests that is serious and imminent. especially : one that justifies limitation of a right (as freedom of speech or press) by the legislative or executive branch of government.”

I wonder which policies represent that kind of immediate danger. The ones that created over 15 million jobs for the U.S. (more than any previous president’s job creation), or got our economy recovering after COVID, or got more people insured, or narrowed income inequality, or added IRS agents to start collecting on unpaid billionaire taxes, promoting equal treatment of all people regardless of any categories, or increasing spending for local and state law enforcement?



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