The Skeptical Librarian is a blog maintained by Scott Pfitzinger, MLS, MM, a librarian at the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse. Posts and comments on this site completely personal and do not represent any university or library.
Scott has been a university librarian since 1997 and has focused on reference services, technology training, teaching how to do research, and access services. He is also a published composer and author.
Scott is a member of ASCAP, Mensa, and the Wisconsin Library Association, and has been a member of: the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), the Music Library Association, the Handbell Musicians of America (was AGEHR), the Indiana Library Federation, and the Academic Library Association of Ohio.

Scott also maintains a humor website: Pfitz’s Pfunnies
a website full of lists, mostly of media: List Obsession
and his composer website: ScottPfitzinger.com
Email: contact[at]skepticallibrarian.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/skepticallibrarian