29% of Americans Are Religiously Unaffiliated

In 1972, when the GSS first began asking Americans, “What is your religious preference?” 90% identified as Christian and 5% were religiously unaffiliated. In the next two decades, the share of “nones” crept up slowly, reaching 9% in 1993.

“But then disaffiliation started speeding up – in 1996, the share of unaffiliated Americans jumped to 12%, and two years later it was 14%. This growth has continued, and 29% of Americans now tell the GSS they have “no religion.”

“Pew Research Center has been measuring religious identity since 2007 using a slightly different question wording – “What is your present religion, if any?” – as well as a different set of response options. Since 2007, the percentage of adults who say they are atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular” in the Center’s surveys has grown from 16% to 29%. During this time, the share of U.S. adults who identify as Christian has fallen from 78% to 63%.

“There are many theories on why disaffiliation sped up so much in the 1990s and how long this trend might continue. For example, some scholars contend that secularization is the result of increasing “existential security” – as societal conditions improve and scientific advances allow people to live longer lives with fewer worries about meeting basic needs, they have less need for religion to cope with insecurity (or so the theory goes).

“Others say that in the U.S., an association of Christianity with conservative politics has driven many liberals away from the faith. Still other theories involve declining trust in religious institutions, clergy scandals, rising rates of religious intermarriage, smaller families, and so on.”

A deeper look and analysis is at the Pew Research website:



Trump Puts Mass Deportations at Heart of His Campaign

Signs at the Republican National Convention called for “Mass Deportation Now!”, giving a full embrace to Donald Trump’s pledge to expel millions of migrants in the largest deportation program in American history.

“Some Republicans aren’t quite ready for that.”

“Historians go back to at least the 1850s when German and Irish immigrants were targeted as degenerate thieves. An undercurrent of popular belief that immigrants breed crime persisted through the 20th century and into the 21st.

“But no one compares to Trump, who reached the pinnacle of power by making immigration a signature issue and portraying the foreign-born as criminals. Yet the weight of evidence shows no support for claims that immigrants are more responsible for crime than native-born Americans.”

Source: https://apnews.com/article/trump-mass-deportations-latino-voters-ec64f85e3633c9c7a8a247eaf9feb64f



Ukraine Provoking Russia??

Putin has described the incursion as a “large-scale provocation.”

What? More of a large-scale provocation than INVADING ANOTHER COUNTRY and STARTING A WAR??

“The Russian Defense Ministry called it one of the largest cross-border incursions of the war as the Russian military and border guards block Ukrainian forces from pushing deeper into the region in southwestern Russia.”

Source: https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-kursk-fighting-sudzha-a49c55fc367bcbaed2e95e515bf99b80



Abortions Actually Increasing After Row v Wade Overturned


“The number of women getting abortions in the U.S. actually went up in the first three months of 2024 compared with before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, a report released Wednesday found, reflecting the lengths that Democratic-controlled states went to expand access.

“A major reason for the increase is that some Democratic-controlled states enacted laws to protect doctors who use telemedicine to see patients in places that have abortion bans, according to the quarterly #WeCount report for the Society of Family Planning, which supports abortion access.”

Source: https://apnews.com/article/abortion-survey-pills-roe-election-2024-7179dda48eae0a764be89c2e0aafd80a



BBC Weekly Newsletter about US Elections

The BBC has a weekly newsletter focusing on the U.S. elections and how they are perceived and affected by the rest of the world.

“Each week, they’ll send you takeaways of what you really need to know from the election race and help you see the bigger global picture.

“They will also suggest articles for essential further reading to help you feel well-informed.

“As you probably know, American politics can be serious, amusing and downright absurd, and sometimes all three at once, so they’ll try to cover the lighter aspects too.”

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68093155



Large US-Russia Prisoner Swap Concluded

It’s always a mixed bag when we agree to prisoner exchanges. Especially when we know that Russia (why is it always Russia?) made up accusations of espionage that were unfounded and untrue.

Well, at least these Americans (and Germans) are home again.

“The 24 people — some prominent, some not — included a collection of journalists and political dissidents, suspected spies, a computer hacker and a fraudster. Even a man convicted of murder.

“Russia released 16 people, including Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and Paul Whelan, a corporate security executive from Michigan. Both were facing long prison sentences after being convicted in Russia’s heavily politicized legal system of espionage charges that the U.S. government called baseless.

“Also freed by Moscow was Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty journalist Alsu Kurmasheva, a dual U.S.-Russian citizen convicted in July of spreading false information about the Russian military — accusations her family and employer have rejected.”

Source: https://apnews.com/article/russia-gershkovich-whelan-prisoner-swap-354df585ad321ecdbea4c0f2c557f0aa



Scientists Renaming Plants that Use Racist Terms

Libraries aren’t the only group that is recognizing the racist or derogatory roots of some of their terms.

“An international group of researchers has voted to modify the scientific names of more than 200 plant species whose names carry a derogatory word.”

“The community of plant, algae, and fungi researchers has acknowledged that some of the names are problematic, demeaning, or even racist and took a series of steps to start tackling these issues.”

Source: https://www.npr.org/2024/07/31/g-s1-14441/renaming-racist-derogatory-plant-names-science-society-inclusion



70+ Election Deniers in Key Roles in County Election Boards

There are many true believers working as county election officials who have denied that Biden won in 2020 and are poised to refrain from certifying the elections this fall.

“At least 70 pro–Donald Trump election denialists are working as election officials in key swing states, according to a report published Monday from Rolling Stone and the right-wing extremism research newsletter American Doom.

“Officials who had promoted election conspiracy theories were identified in at least 16 counties in six swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

“These individuals were identified through scouring coverage of refusals to certify 2020 election results and other denialist behavior, as well as sifting through the social media profiles of election officials in these states.

“Across these swing states, Trump loyalists stand ready to disrupt the results of democratically held elections—at least 22 of them have already refused or delayed certification in recent years, indicating likely chaos in November.”

Source: https://newrepublic.com/post/184340/trump-election-deniers-power-swing-states

Interview with the author: https://youtu.be/cojKYPWoUyE?si=ApUDdMHsGu9M6KvN



Barcelona Ends Short-Term Rentals

When housing becomes less available in a tourism-driven city, decisions have to be made. Short-term rentals (like Airbnb) are harder to justify when local housing is scarce or increasingly expensive. And hotels are still available.

Barcelona, Spain, is dealing with this situation. “Barcelona City Hall announced last month that it would not renew any tourist apartment licenses after they expire in 2028. Deputy Mayor Laia Bonet said the city wants tourism, which accounts for 15% of the local economy, but must help residents cope with skyrocketing rents and real estate prices.”

Source: https://apnews.com/article/barcelona-spain-tourist-apartments-154cf293078aa14c299e3539d90e9350
